Usually the issue of reversing the policy on homosexuals in the military might not be seen as a campaign issue (though it certainly helped advocate for the policy change Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Penn.) lose his job) However a Senator who willingly puts American troops in harms way – after being warned what it might do? That could cost you your “livelihood” (as another 2010 loser, Rep. Steve Driehaus, might put it.)
Imagine this playing on the radio constantly in a cheap radio buy state like Maine or Arkansas:
Every day our fighting men put their lives on the line to not only protect our freedoms and to keep us safe. Currently we are in the middle of two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq where we lose good men and women. Instead of honoring those men and women and doing all they can to protect the very people who protect us, in the waning days of 2010 Senator Olympia Snowe (or Mark Pryor or Ben Nelson or Jim Webb, etc.) put advancing a homosexual campaign item ahead of our troops safety.
Prior to the vote Gen. James Amos, the Commandant of the Marine Corps directed Senators like Senator Snowe to put the wellbeing of the marines under his command first, letting her know that the men in the front lines have major concerns with changing the policy on homosexuals serving openly in the military and that it would be a distraction, and as he said “When your life hangs on the line, Mistakes… or distractions cost Marines’ lives.”
Senator Snowe’s response? To ignore him and follow the dubious lead of President Obama and Harry Reid
Senator Snowe might think her agenda is more important than those of our military, but let her know on August 7th, 2012 that if she doesn’t put our troops first she will come in last.